Healing Comes through the Savior

No matter how lost or hopeless you feel, you are a child of loving Heavenly Parents. Change and recovery are possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. As you reach out to Him, you can find recovery, peace, and hope.

This program can be utilized by both individuals that are seeking recovery from addictions and by spouses or family members of those who are struggling from or have struggled with addictions.

Please confer with a mental health professional if you need additional support.

Recovery Meetings - All Are Welcome!

Meetings are held on Zoom every Thursday at 7:30 PM. No registration is required.
Each week, we study a step from the manual Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program (link).

Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2080 1034
Password: 194863

Study Manual

Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program
(The old manual, while no longer used, can still be found here.)


Please reach out at the following email address: TokyoSouthStakeARP@gmail.com

Additional Resources

Additional resources can be found on the Church’s official website:
Life Help - Addiction
Addiction Recovery