“The inquiry is frequently made of me, ‘Wherein do you differ from others in your religious views?’ In reality and essence we do not differ so far in our religious views, but that we could drink into one principle of love.”

—Joseph Smith, Jr.

Our Interfaith Efforts

The Tokyo South Stake supports and facilitates interfaith connection and dialogue with members and leaders of other faiths, including through our participation in the Tokyo Interfaith Council.

If you would like to get involved with our interfaith efforts or help with the Tokyo Interfaith website or other technology as a volunteer, please contact Stake Public Affairs Director, April Cook at April.C.Cook@gmail.com.

Upcoming Tokyo South Stake Interfaith Events

Our next interfatih event is currently in the works! Details will be posted here as soon as they are available, so make sure to check back often!

Past Tokyo South Stake Interfaith Events

Meiji Shrine Visit

On April 20, 2024, we gathered at Meiji Shrine for an educational presentation about Shintoism and self-guided tours afterwards. There were over 100 people in attendance. Special thanks to Priest Moriyasu Ito, who made this event possible.

The original post for the event can be found here.
Below is a document that shows some interesting parallels between Meiji Shrine, Jewish temples, and the Plan of Salvation!

Interfaith Meeting at Camp Zama

In the spring of 2024, “sixteen members of a multi-faith group based in Japan were… welcomed to Camp Zama and met with the religious support teams there to discuss the potential for future partnerships.”

More information, as well as photos and a video of the event, can be found here.

Mosque Visit

On October 29, 2023, we visited the Tokyo Camii and Diyanet Turkish Culture Center, who were kind enough to grant us a tour of their facilities. Over 100 people attended with even more attending remotely online. It was a great opportunity to better get to know our Muslim brothers and sisters.

The original post for the event can be found here.

tokyo union church visit

On May 11, 2023, we joined an interfaith meeting at the Tokyo Union Church in Omotesando.

The event was kindly hosted by Pastor Steve Yamaguchi and Associate Pastor Hector Herrera.
TUC Our Team Bio Page

jewish Synagogue visit

On April 24, 2022, approximately 175 of our stake members visited the Jewish Community of Japan’s synagogue for a guided tour hosted by members of the local Jewish community. Approximately another 75 people attended virtually. We were able to see the mikvah, the social hall, and the sanctuary. We viewed the Torah scrolls, learned about how they are made and used during worship services, and learned about the current sects and basic history of Judaism. It was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved, and we are most grateful to the Jewish Community of Japan for their warm hospitality and friendship.

Tokyo Interfaith Council Events

The Tokyo Interfaith Council also has a variety of events going on from time to time. Click/tap here for more details.