Temple and Family History Fireside with Elder Yamashita

A Temple and Family History Fireside will be held with Elder Yamashita as special guest.

A flier in Japanese can be found below.


“Family History Work with the Youth”


August 18, 2023 / 9PM ~ 10PM

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 844 5585 3215
Passcode: 938218


  • Stake officers attending the coordination meeting with advisors (Stake presidency, Temple and Family History Councilors, Stake Temple and Family History Counselors, Stake RS Presidency, EQ Councilors, Stake YW Presidency, Stake YM Presidency, YM Councilors)

  • All involved in Ward's Temple and Family History, Children, Youth, and YSA (Bishopric, EQ Presidency, RS Presidency, Temple and Family History Leaders, Ward Temple and Family History Counselors, YW Presidency, PRI Presidency, Parents)

  • Members of the Okinawa Stake Futenma Ward