Filipino Members Sacrament Meeting/Fellowshipping Event - December 17 @ 3pm

The Kanagawa Stake presidency has set up a Sacrament Meeting/Social Gathering (Fellowshipping) event for Filipino members of the Church living in Japan and wish to extend a warm invitation to Filipino members in the Tokyo South Stake to attend. Below are the details along with a flier in both English and Tagalog:

Date & Time: Dec. 17 (Sun)   3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Place: Fujisawa Ward, Kanagawa Stake

Address: 2-27-7 Shonandai, Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture


Sacrament meeting (testimony)  3 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Social gathering/fellowshipping: 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Zoom ID: 947 4670 7502      Passcode: fw

Feel free to contact the following individuals should you have any questions.

President Katsuya Nagao, First Counselor, Kanagawa Stake Presidency

David Budd, Kanagawa Stake High Councilor

The meeting will be mainly in Tagalog (including other Filipino languages) and English.