General Officer Training Meeting on March 12

A general officer training meeting will be held on March 12 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM at the Temple Annex.

Training will be given by Elder McCune of the Seventy and Sister Porter, General Primary President.

The intended audience for this training is all stake, ward, and branch RS, YW, and Primary presidencies (including secretaries).

For those traveling from outside of Tokyo, child care will be available for primary children that need a place to go during this meeting. The intent of this is to allow leaders who live outside of Tokyo to bring their primary children to the earlier devotional without having to return them home before attending this meeting. Please contact (if you haven't already) the Stake Executive Secretary if you plan on bringing your children to this event.

Please see below for a summary of the details.

Date: Sunday, March 12

Time: 3:00 - 4:30 PM

Location: Temple Annex Chapel

Special Visitors:

  • Elder John A. McCune Of the Seventy

  • Debbra McCune

  • Susan E. Porter General Primary President

Attendees: All stake and ward primary, young women, and relief society presidencies including secretaries