Orphan Graduate Care Package Humanitarian Project on March 9 @ 9:30am

In March there will be a humanitarian service project for the youth in which we will prepare care packages for 23 orphans who will be graduating from children’s homes and preparing to live on their own. Each package will contain hygiene & cleaning supplies, housewares (ie. plates, utensils, cookware, towels), food, and a card. In addition, we will be preparing goody bags and cards for future humanitarian projects.

Below are the details:

Date: March 9th

Time: 9:30 - 11:30 followed by  lunch from 11:30 -12:30 (or finish) 

Location: Temple Annex Building

Participants: Youth from both the Tokyo South Stake (Kanto Plains only) and the Tokyo Japanese Stake.

Fill out the sign-up form here!

In addition, there will be two General Authorities joining us: Brothers Mark L.Pace, Sunday School General President, and Brad Wilcox, 1st Councilor in Young Men General Presidency.

There will also be a Youth Fireside on Sunday, March 10th at 7pm which will be broadcast via Zoom.