Stake Conference Schedule Announced

Join Us for Stake Conference

We invite all members of the Tokyo Japan South Stake to stake conference with Elder William H.K. Davis and Elder Youngjoon Kwon of the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy. Messages of inspiration and testimony will be delivered to our wards and branches, including Iwakuni, Misawa, Yokosuka, Yokota, Zama, Tokyo 1st and Tokyo 2nd.

Saturday’s Stake and Ward Council Leadership Meeting will take place over Zoom using the link noted below. We encourage members to gather for both the Saturday adult session and the Sunday General Session at the Tokyo Temple annex building. Those members who live outside of the Kanto plain (Iwakuni branch and Misawa ward) may join the General Session via a livestream link that will be posted to the stake calendar and website soon. We ask all saints, as encouraged by our Area Presidency, to gather in person for the Adult and General Session. As parking is limited, all those in close proximity to the building should walk. Others, please consider public transportation or carpooling.

Stake and Ward council Leadership Meeting

Date: May 14 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00–16:00
Format: Online Only. Link below to be activated before the meeting.
Attendees: Stake and Ward Councils (organizational presidencies including counselors and secretaries.

Saturday Evening Adult Session

Date: May 14 (Saturday)
Time: 18:00–20:00
Format: In person at the Tokyo Temple annex building; remote for Iwakuni and Misawa
Attendees: All adults 18 and older

General Session

Date: May 15 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00–12:00
Format: In person at the Tokyo Temple annex building; remote for Iwakuni and Misawa
Attendees: All members and friends

Youth Session

Date: May 15 (Sunday)
Time: 12:30-1:20
Format: In person at the Tokyo Temple annex building; remote for Iwakuni and Misawa
Attendees: All youth and parents of youth

How to Prepare

The Tokyo Temple will be rededicated on July 3rd. Stake conference is a special opportunity to prepare for this sacred occasion. We encourage members to study the prophetic declaration of President Russell M. Nelson from the October 2021 General Conference:

The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation

We love you and eagerly anticipate your participation in stake conference.


Your Stake Presidency