Supporting Children and Youth: A Broadcast for Parents and Leaders

Dear Parents and Youth Leaders (including youth in quorum and class presidencies):

Training Broadcast

Our general church leaders have put together a broadcast training for parents, primary leaders, adult youth leaders, and quorum and class presidencies about the Children and Youth Program. It will help all of us as we work with children and youth to remember the vision and the breadth of the program. For example, the Child and Youth Program isn't only goal setting in four areas for our children and youth. That is one part of the personal development portion of this program.

Where to View

The broadcast is available online at this link, as well as in the Gospel Library app: Gospel Library -> Youth -> Help for Presidencies -> Supporting Children and Youth: A Broadcast for Parents and Leaders.

What to Watch

We invite you to watch the introduction, then any segments that apply to you, and then the closing comments. You can watch the whole training if you chose, but at least watch the segments that apply to you.

0:00 - 12:14 Introduction (all)
12:15 - 24:59 Parents
25:00 - 36:14: Primary Leaders
36:15 - 48:43: Adult Youth Leaders
48:44 - 1:03:48: Quorum and Class Presidencies
1:03:48 - 1:08:09: Closing Comments (all)

When to Watch

If possible, we ask that this training is viewed during the month of February.

Thank you For Strengthening Our Children and Youth

We are so grateful for this program for our children and youth. We are grateful that it teaches them to seek personal revelation from a young age on how to become more Christ-like and minister to others.

Thank you!

Your Stake Presidency