Gospel Study Group each Tuesday @ 9:30 AM

All are welcome to come to the Stake Relief Society Study Group.

Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. for 30-45 minutes. If you’d like to attend, please reach out to Sister Sydney Moore.

This semester we will be reviewing the latest general conference addresses.

If you wish to teach/lead the discussion we invite you to volunteer for whichever week(s) works for you. Please click on the link below or get in touch with Sister Moore to sign up.

The current teaching and study schedule can be found here (link).

We’ve also listed the dates and topics below:


Apr. 11

Apr. 16

Apr. 23

Apr. 30

May 7

May 14

May 21

May 28

June 4

June 11

June 18

June 25

July 2

July 9

July 16

July 23

July 30

Aug. 6

Aug. 13

Aug. 20

Aug. 27

Sep. 3

Sep. 10

Sep. 17

Sept. 24

Oct. 1


Share thoughts/feelings from General Conference (Prepare for a new semester.)

D&C 109

President Russell M. Nelson "Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys" + D&C 110

President Russell M. Nelson "Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys" + D&C 109 1-4

Elder Ronald A. Rasband "Words Matter" + D&C 109 5-8

Elder Paul B. Pieper "Trust in the Lord" + D&C 109 9-12

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland "Motions of a Hidden Fire" + D&C 109:13–16

Elder Ulisses Soares "Covenant Confidence through Jesus Christ" + D&C 109: 17-20

Elder Shayne M. Bowen "Miracles, Angels, and Priesthood Power" + D&C 109:21-24

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus "Faithful to the End" + D&C 109:25-28

Elder Massimo De Feo "Rise! He Calleth Thee" + D&C 109:29-32

Elder Alexander Dushku "Pillars and Rays" + D&C 109:33-36

Elder Henry B. Eyring "All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants" + D&C 109:37-40

Elder Dale G. Renlund "The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ" + D&C 109:41-44

Elder Brian K. Taylor "Swallowed Up in the Joy of Christ" + D&C 109:45-48

Elder Patrick Kearon "God’s Intent Is to Bring You Home" + D&C 109:49–52

Elder Quentin L. Cook "Be One with Christ" + D&C 109:53–56

Elder Gary E. Stevenson "Bridging the Two Great Commandments" + D&C 109:57-60

Elder Steven R. Bangerter "Foreordained to Serve" + D&C 109:61–64

Sister Susan H. Porter "Pray, He Is There" + D&C 109:65-68

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf "A Higher Joy" + D&C 109:69-72

Sister J. Anette Dennis "Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ" + D&C 109-73-76

Elder Dallin H. Oaks "Covenants and Responsibilities" + D&C 77-80

Elder David A. Bednar “Be Still, and Know That I Am God”

Elder D. Todd Christofferson "The Testimony of Jesus"

Elder Gerrit W. Gong "Love Is Spoken Here"