
Three-Year Degrees Now Available Through BYU Pathway

The Church recently announced that three-year degrees will be available through the BYU Pathway program beginning in April 2024.

The Asia North Area Presidency invites any and all “looking to improve their faith, English skills, and self-reliance” to consider taking an online degree. Details can be found at

Information on available degrees can be found below:

Applied Business Management

Information Technology

Applied Health

Professional Studies


Software Development

Family and Human Services

You may also be eligible for the Heber J. Grant tuition discount, which gives a 10% to 50% discount on tuition depending on availability and students’ needs. Those who’ve returned from a full-time mission in the last five years receive an additional 25% discount.

We encourage you to prayerfully how this opportunity may bless you.

November Is Stake Temple Month!

November Stake Temple Month Invitation

The Stake Council has designated November as our stake's temple month. We invite youth (proxy baptisms at Youth Conference) and adults to prepare for, plan, and receive ordinances in a temple during the month of November.

We testify that we will be blessed as individuals, families, a ward/branch and as a stake for our efforts to receive temple ordinances for "uniting families for eternity" on both sides of the veil.

Recording of August 18 Family History Fireside with Elder Yamashita

On August 18, we were able to hold the below meeting with Elder Yamashita.
It was a wonderful, spiritual and Spirit-filled meeting.

The link and password to the recording are as follows. (English translation available.)
Password: WY35%c?1

We apologize that only 100 people were able to attend the Zoom meeting due to a technical difficulty although it was planned to allow 500 people.