Stake Theme: Make Time for the Lord

The theme for our stake is “Make time for the Lord,” a message taken from President Russell M. Nelson’s October 2021 General Conference address of the same name.

On October 16, 2022, the Stake Presidency issued the following letter (a full transcript is included below the image):

October 16, 2022

Fellow saints of the Tokyo Japan South Stake,

In a letter dated February 20, 2021, the stake presidency urged that we prepare for the
imminent Tokyo Temple rededication by striving to be Temple Worthy, Temple Ready.
Seventeen months later, on July 3rd, 2022, the Tokyo Japan Temple was dedicated by
President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency. Our hearts were full on this occasion!

In the dedicatory prayer, President Eyring petitioned, "Father, bless the members of Thy
Church who come into this temple that they may gain a desire to share the gospel of Jesus
Christ with everyone they meet." He also prayed, "We ask a blessing on all who serve in this
temple, that they may cultivate a sure testimony that this is Thy holy house. Give them the
assurance that the Lord will guide and prosper them."

The Tokyo Temple rededication was a milestone moment marking the historical progression of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Japan. Privileged we have been to participate
in a seminal event when a House of the Lord was dedicated.

Social interaction restrictions associated with the pandemic have subsided and at long last we
are entering a new-norm. A new epoch beckons a distinct call for the time. We feel promptings
from the Holy Ghost that saints in our stake would do well to focus on the recent prophetic
declaration of President Russell M. Nelson: Make Time for the Lord.

What does MTFTL mean to you? This is a personal question, and we encourage you to
supplicate Heavenly Father in prayer to find your answer. Maybe it means that you attend and
serve in the House of the Lord. Possibly, your personal scripture study needs improvement?
Or, maybe a bit more attentive and sincere prayers could be offered to the divine. Does Love,
Share, and Invite need to redefine your relationships? Or, maybe your ministering needs a bit
more Christlike tokens of service.

We testify that as you approach Father in Heaven in prayer, the Holy Ghost will guide you in all
things that you should do (2 Nephi 32:3) to Make Time for the Lord.

With sincerity and love,
Jeremy Curtis Justin Cook Ben Lewis
Second Counselor Stake President First Counselor