Light the World 2023

The official website for Light the World 2023 is up!

Light the World | ComeUntoChrist (

The Asia North Area Presidency has stated that “Light the World is an important effort that deserves our continued attention.”

Packets have been sent to each individual unit to help leaders and members prepare, along with a special “Light the World lesson packet” which can be used as a special 5th Sunday lesson on October 29th to launch the Light the World season.

Advent calendars are included and are to be distributed throughout each unit. The Light the World advent calendar is specially designed to help members thoughtfully plan small acts of kindness for every day of December through the 25th.

We invite you to participate with other saints around the globe in bringing more light to the world by following the footsteps of the Light of the World.

November Is Stake Temple Month!

November Stake Temple Month Invitation

The Stake Council has designated November as our stake's temple month. We invite youth (proxy baptisms at Youth Conference) and adults to prepare for, plan, and receive ordinances in a temple during the month of November.

We testify that we will be blessed as individuals, families, a ward/branch and as a stake for our efforts to receive temple ordinances for "uniting families for eternity" on both sides of the veil.

New Employment Opportunities Available!

Several new employment opportunities have been posted on our Employment Resources page.

The application deadlines range from October 30 to November 30, so take a look if you’re in the market for a new job.

Note, however, that most of the postings are in Japanese. These openings can also be found on the Church’s website here:

General Conference This Weekend (October 1)

Regular meetings will not be held on Sunday due to General Conference. Please see below for the official announcement letter from the Stake:

Dear Tokyo South Stake Members, 

We are all looking forward to hearing the voices of the Lord’s servants in General Conference in October. General Conference will take place on September 30 and October 1st in Salt Lake City. However, due to the time difference, our Stake will have an adjusted schedule:

  • Sunday October 1st: Members should view the three Saturday Sessions of General Conference. No ward / branch meetings should be scheduled. Members may watch at their homes, but Bishops / Branch Presidents may open the church buildings for the broadcast of General Conference.

  • Sunday October 8th: Fast Sunday is observed. Wards and Branches hold Fast and Testimony meeting. Other unit and stake meetings should take place as usual.

Because of the time difference, Sunday Sessions of General Conference will not be broadcast until Monday October 2nd in Japan. As such, we encourage each family in the ward to find time to watch the Sunday Sessions sometime during the week. 

Previously, we had sent instructions to the Stake Council and Ward Council that General Conference would be observed on October 7th and 8th in our Stake. However, we received instructions from the Asia North Area Presidency stating that the Area would participate in General Conference on October 1st. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience this may have caused. 

We look forward to hearing the voices of the Lord’s servants at the next conference. 

Family History Discovery Room Article!

The Family History Discovery Room was recently featured in a news article on the Church’s website! The link can be found below:

Here is a short excerpt from the article:

“The Family History Discovery Room [is] on the second floor of the Tokyo Temple Annex... Members and friends are welcome to come and explore the many opportunities to get involved…

“We look forward to being a fun and meaningful center for family history lectures for friends, lessons paced for older learners, consultations on family history issues, family gatherings, and more.”

Recording of August 18 Family History Fireside with Elder Yamashita

On August 18, we were able to hold the below meeting with Elder Yamashita.
It was a wonderful, spiritual and Spirit-filled meeting.

The link and password to the recording are as follows. (English translation available.)
Password: WY35%c?1

We apologize that only 100 people were able to attend the Zoom meeting due to a technical difficulty although it was planned to allow 500 people.

Temple and Family History Fireside with Elder Yamashita

A Temple and Family History Fireside will be held with Elder Yamashita as special guest.

A flier in Japanese can be found below.


“Family History Work with the Youth”


August 18, 2023 / 9PM ~ 10PM

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 844 5585 3215
Passcode: 938218


  • Stake officers attending the coordination meeting with advisors (Stake presidency, Temple and Family History Councilors, Stake Temple and Family History Counselors, Stake RS Presidency, EQ Councilors, Stake YW Presidency, Stake YM Presidency, YM Councilors)

  • All involved in Ward's Temple and Family History, Children, Youth, and YSA (Bishopric, EQ Presidency, RS Presidency, Temple and Family History Leaders, Ward Temple and Family History Counselors, YW Presidency, PRI Presidency, Parents)

  • Members of the Okinawa Stake Futenma Ward