Nationwide Teacher Training by President Mark L. Pace - March 15 @ 7pm

On March 15, there will be a nationwide teacher training meeting given by President Mark L. Pace, Sunday School General President. The training will be held in Fukuoka, but will be broadcast for any interested in attending. Below are the details:

Who’s Invited: All teachers, parents, and anyone interested in teaching

Date/Time: Friday, March 15 @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Location: Online (see, or Fukuoka if you happen to be in the area

Prepare to be spiritually fed while learning how to better teach your students, children, or fellow saints!

Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu-Nishi High School Chorus Concert on March 22 @ 6:30pm

In May, BYU's Vocal Point and Note Worthy will be coming to Japan to perform and visit with several schools, including having a community exchange with the Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu Nishi High School Chorus Club at that time.

In anticipation of that event, we have received an invitation from the Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu-Nishi High School Chorus Club to attend their concert on March 22.

Date: Friday, March 22 @ 6:30pm (doors open at 6:00pm)

Location: Fuchu-no-Mori Arts Theater a.k.a. Fucho Forest Arts Theater (Google map linked)

Chinese Sunday School on 2nd and 4th Sundays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Chinese Sunday School Class is being held online on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.

Zoom ID:  94478449537

We also have a social event (Chinese-Japanese gathering) on the first, third, and fifth Saturdays from 8:00pm to 9:30pm.

Zoom ID: 98518987400

Anyone interested in attending can email Brother Takamura (click/tap on the link), who will send along the passcode for the meetings.

The full details can be found in the flyers below:

Three-Year Degrees Now Available Through BYU Pathway

The Church recently announced that three-year degrees will be available through the BYU Pathway program beginning in April 2024.

The Asia North Area Presidency invites any and all “looking to improve their faith, English skills, and self-reliance” to consider taking an online degree. Details can be found at

Information on available degrees can be found below:

Applied Business Management

Information Technology

Applied Health

Professional Studies


Software Development

Family and Human Services

You may also be eligible for the Heber J. Grant tuition discount, which gives a 10% to 50% discount on tuition depending on availability and students’ needs. Those who’ve returned from a full-time mission in the last five years receive an additional 25% discount.

We encourage you to prayerfully how this opportunity may bless you.

Learn about Senior Missionary Service on January 21 @ 6:00pm (Japanese Only)

A special meeting will be held on January 21 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm for anyone interested in learning about becoming a senior missionary. The event will be held in Japanese only, with no English interpretation available. Details can be found below.

Date: January 21, 2024 (Sun.) from 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Guests: Elder and Sister Ishii, Senior Missionary Coordinators

- Anyone interested in learning about senior missionary service (members who are 26 years old and up can be called as senior missionaries)
- Stake and ward leaders

What to Expect: Attendees will be introduced to senior missionary service (opportunities, etc.), hear experiences and testimonies, and a Q&A will be held

How to Attend: Zoom (refer to the flyer below)

Filipino Members Sacrament Meeting/Fellowshipping Event - December 17 @ 3pm

The Kanagawa Stake presidency has set up a Sacrament Meeting/Social Gathering (Fellowshipping) event for Filipino members of the Church living in Japan and wish to extend a warm invitation to Filipino members in the Tokyo South Stake to attend. Below are the details along with a flier in both English and Tagalog:

Date & Time: Dec. 17 (Sun)   3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Place: Fujisawa Ward, Kanagawa Stake

Address: 2-27-7 Shonandai, Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture


Sacrament meeting (testimony)  3 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Social gathering/fellowshipping: 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Zoom ID: 947 4670 7502      Passcode: fw

Feel free to contact the following individuals should you have any questions.

President Katsuya Nagao, First Counselor, Kanagawa Stake Presidency

David Budd, Kanagawa Stake High Councilor

The meeting will be mainly in Tagalog (including other Filipino languages) and English.